joomla数据库表结构_WordPress v Joomla:简介和内容结构
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The WordPress v Joomla debate has been an argument — no, an all-out war — for years now. The issue with this war of the CMS titans is that it’s largely being fought by biased individuals, rather than debated from an objective standpoint.

多年来,关于WordPress v Joomla的争论一直是一个争论-不,是一场全面的战争 。 CMS巨人之战的问题在于,它很大程度上是由有偏见的人打架,而不是从客观的角度进行辩论。

I’m not the first person to discuss this topic and I certainly won’t be the last. I feel, however, that there has been no really good comparison between Joomla and WordPress in recent times. For this reason, SitePoint is going to bring you a series of articles discussing every major area of comparison between WordPress and Joomla as they stand in 2012. This is what you can expect to see throughout the six blogposts:

我不是第一个讨论此主题的人,并且我当然不会是最后一个。 但是,我觉得Joomla和WordPress之间最近没有很好的比较。 因此,SitePoint将为您带来一系列文章,讨论WordPress和Joomla在2012年的比较中的每个主要比较领域。这是您期望在六个博客文章中看到的内容:

  • An Introduction to WordPress and Joomla

  • Joomla Templates v WordPress Themes/Templates

    Joomla模板v WordPress主题/模板
  • Customization Potential of WordPress and Joomla — plugins, extensions, etc

  • WordPress SEO v Joomla SEO

    WordPress SEO v Joomla SEO
  • Is Joomla or WordPress Better in the Support Department?

  • The Winner Announced!


WordPress简介 (An Introduction to WordPress)

WordPress really needs no introduction as it is currently the most widely used CMS in the world. I would, however, like to draw your attention to the following information:

WordPress确实不需要介绍,因为它是目前世界上使用最广泛的CMS。 但是,我想提请您注意以下信息:

技术资料 (Technical Stuff)

The WordPress CMS is based on PHP and, like most content management systems, uses MySQL for database management. For these reasons you’re going to want to make sure you’re using an Apache (Linux) host with mod_rewrite enabled (for URL rewriting) because it will make your life a whole lot easier.

WordPress CMS基于PHP,并且像大多数内容管理系统一样,使用MySQL进行数据库管理。 由于这些原因,你会想,以确保您使用的是与mod_rewrite的一个Apache(Linux)的主机运行(URL重写),因为它会让你的生活轻松许多。

WordPress is licensed under the which outlines how the CMS may be used by the public.


独立v托管 (Standalone v Hosted)

An interesting point to note is that WordPress offers both a standalone CMS as well as a hosted WordPress facility at  — so even if you don’t have your own domain, that doesn’t mean you cannot run your own website.

有趣的一点要注意的是WordPress的同时提供一个独立的CMS,以及一个WordPress的托管设施在 -所以即使你没有自己的域名,这并不意味着你不能运行自己的网站。

It’s worth noting that if you use wordpress.com to host a website your website address will be something like yoursitename.wordpress.com. For this reason I would always recommend investing in a cheap hosting account and registering your own domain so you can use the standalone version of the WordPress CMS, which is obtainable from .

值得注意的是,如果您使用wordpress.com托管网站,则您的网站地址将类似于yoursitename.wordpress.com。 因此,我总是建议您投资一个便宜的托管帐户并注册您自己的域,以便您可以使用独立版本的WordPress CMS,该版本可从获得。

The wordpress.com version of WordPress is also quite a bit more limited than the self-hosted version.


从那时到现在 (From Then to Now)

WordPress was created in 2003 as a successor to what was known as b2/cafelog — which apparently had a user base of around 2000 at that stage.  The system was created by Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little along with contributions by the developer of b2/cafelog, Michel Valdrighi.

WordPress创建于2003年,是b2 / cafelog的后继者,当时b2 / cafelog的用户群约为2000。 该系统是由Matt Mullenweg和Mike Little以及b2 / cafelog开发人员Michel Valdrighi的贡献创建的。


Since its inception, WordPress has grown to be the most popular CMS on the internet, currently hosting approximately 25% of the web’s top sites and around 15% of Alexa Internet’s “Top 1 Million” websites. []. It is currently sitting at version 3.4, and the roadmap suggests that versions 3.5 through to 3.6 should be released in 2012.

自成立以来,WordPress已发展成为互联网上最受欢迎的CMS,目前托管约25%的Web顶级网站和约15%的Alexa Internet的“前100万”网站。 [ ]。 它目前的版本为3.4,路线图建议应在2012年发布3.5到3.6的版本。

WordPress has thousands of well-known brands as active testimonials for their CMS.  Some of the more popular websites currently using WordPress are:

WordPress有成千上万的知名品牌作为CMS的积极推荐。 当前使用WordPress的一些较流行的网站是:

And of course, SitePoint itself is created using WordPress!


WordPress CMS的内容结构 (Content Structure of the WordPress CMS)

WordPress’ content structure is basically broken down into Pages and Posts. Pages are generally used for static content (eg an About Us page), whereas Posts are your regular updates (eg blog posts). Each page/post can be assigned to a menu which will form the base of your website.

WordPress的内容结构基本上分为页面和帖子。 页面通常用于静态内容(例如,关于我们的页面),而帖子是您的常规更新(例如,博客帖子)。 每个页面/帖子都可以分配到一个菜单,该菜单将构成您的网站的基础。

Posts are grouped into Categories, and defined even further by the use of Tags.


Additional content can then be added in and around the base content using Widgets. Widgets can be placed in several places on your pages, and you can define pages on which you would not like to display each widget.  There are many widgets that are natively available, including tag clouds, recent posts widgets, post categories and a whole bunch of others.

然后,可以使用小部件在基本内容中及其周围添加其他内容。 窗口小部件可以放置在几个地方在您的网页,你可以定义你希望显示每个插件的网页。 有许多本机可用的窗口小部件,包括标签云,最近发布的窗口小部件,帖子类别以及许多其他窗口小部件。

Functionality can be added to WordPress by downloading and installing Plugins. There are thousands of Plugins available which will perform practically every function you could ever think of. You can use Plugins to turn your site into an e-commerce store, a download repository, a sports statistics website and many other weird and wonderful applications.

可以通过下载和安装插件将功能添加到WordPress。 有成千上万的插件可用于执行您可能想到的几乎所有功能。 您可以使用插件将您的站点变成电子商务商店,下载存储库,体育统计网站以及许多其他奇怪而奇妙的应用程序。

Now let’s take a look at the Joomla CMS.

现在,让我们看一下Joomla CMS。

Joomla简介 (An Introduction to Joomla)

Although Joomla could easily be considered the second most popular CMS around (sorry Drupal fans), it would probably be fair to say that it is still relatively unknown to many who aren’t familiar with web design/blogging or aren’t even sure what a CMS is.



技术细节 (Technical Details)

Joomla, like WordPress, is based on PHP and MySQL, which means you should also be looking to use an Apache host here.


I feel Joomla’s file structure is far more confusing and cluttered than the WordPress file/content structure is. We spent significantly more time deciphering Joomla’s object-oriented code than we needed to spend for WordPress.   For the average user, however, this is not much of a concern.

我觉得Joomla的文件结构比WordPress的文件/内容结构更加混乱和混乱。 与解密WordPress相比,我们花费更多的时间来解密Joomla的面向对象代码。 但是,对于普通用户而言,这并不是什么大问题。

Joomla, unlike WordPress, does not have a hosted facility. This means you will need to host your own Joomla website and have your own domain name in order to use the CMS.

与WordPress不同,Joomla没有托管功能。 这意味着您将需要托管自己的Joomla网站并拥有自己的域名才能使用CMS。

从那时到现在 (From Then to Now)

Joomla was created in 2005, partly as a successor to Mambo. The J! development team created the Joomla project in response to a controversial move by the founders of Mambo, who turned the project into a non-profit organisation. The development team also  — OpenSourceMatters.org — and within hours had hundreds of fans voicing their support.

Joomla创建于2005年,部分是Mambo的继任者。 J! 开发团队创建了Joomla项目,以响应曼波(Mambo)创始人的有争议的举动,后者将项目变成了非营利组织。 开发团队还 -OpenSourceMatters.org-几小时内有数百名粉丝表达了他们的支持。

Joomla was created with the intention of creating a free and open-source CMS, as well as a great online community centered around the CMS.


Joomla have just released version 2.5 and seem to be making a conscious effort to release updates with new functionality on a regular basis. This is good: we are finally starting to see some functionality incorporated into Joomla that should have been there from the beginning. On the downside, frequent updates often mean we need to wait for Extension developers to update their components before we can successfully update to the latest version of Joomla.

Joomla刚刚发布了2.5版,并且似乎正在有意识地努力定期发布具有新功能的更新。 很好:我们终于开始看到Joomla中包含的某些功能从一开始就应该存在。 不利的一面是,频繁的更新通常意味着我们需要等待Extension开发人员更新其组件,然后才能成功更新到最新版本的Joomla。

While Joomla doesn’t enjoy the same fanfare WordPress does, there are still some big names using Joomla as their CMS of choice.


is one of the biggest names using Joomla for its website and has been using it successfully for a number of years. Interestingly, McDonalds in the Arabian Peninsula has  to back their website.

是在其网站上使用Joomla的公司之一,并且已经成功使用了很多年。 有趣的是,阿拉伯半岛的麦当劳来支持其网站。

Another big name using Joomla is eBay – not for ebay.com, though. eBay uses Joomla to manage their intranet of 16,000-plus employees. This application in particular highlights how powerful Joomla can be.

使用Joomla的另一个大名是eBay-不过不是ebay.com。 eBay使用Joomla来管理其拥有16,000多名员工的Intranet。 该应用程序特别强调了Joomla的强大功能。

Joomla内容结构 (The Joomla Content Structure)

At first, Joomla seems slightly more complicated than WordPress. My opinion is that this is simply because of its naming of different content items and some slightly less obvious ways of achieving certain objectives. For this reason, most people who start out with Joomla find figuring out the content structure to be a bit of a learning curve and this often leads to them abandoning Joomla altogether.

起初,Joomla似乎比WordPress复杂一些。 我的观点是,这仅仅是因为它对不同的内容项进行了命名,以及实现某些目标的一些不太明显的方法。 因此,大多数从Joomla入手的人都发现弄清楚内容结构有点像学习曲线,这常常导致他们完全放弃Joomla。

What most of these people don’t understand, initially, is that Joomla’s content structure is very similar to WordPress’.


Articles or Components generate a page’s main content. Content is linked to a menu using menu items — which basically provide a vehicle for the display of a certain piece of content. Menu items can be a whole host of different things — for instance, a menu item can be set to display a single article, an entire category of items, the output from an extension/component which has been installed (eg a contact form component) or even an external URL.

文章或组件生成页面的主要内容。 使用菜单项将内容链接到菜单-菜单项基本上为显示特定内容提供了一种手段。 菜单项可以包含很多不同的东西-例如,可以将菜单项设置为显示单个文章,整个项目类别,已安装的扩展名/组件的输出(例如,联系表单组件)甚至是外部URL。

This is slightly different to the WordPress functionality, in which functionality is usually added to a Page by embedding a little piece of code (Shortcode) which is provided by the associated plugin.


Modules are Joomla’s equivalent of Widgets.  Modules are displayed around the main content and are generally used to add in peripheral bits of content; for instance a Weather module, a Login module or a Latest News module.

模块相当于Joomla的Widget。 模块显示在主要内容周围,通常用于添加内容的外围位; 例如“天气”模块,“登录”模块或“最新新闻”模块。

Joomla’s menus also need to be created using modules, or else they will not show up anywhere! This is exactly how WordPress’ menus function too. A Menu widget needs to be created which will be set to display a particular menu in a specific position.

Joomla的菜单也需要使用模块创建,否则它们将不会在任何地方显示! 这也正是WordPress菜单的功能方式。 需要创建一个菜单小部件,将其设置为在特定位置显示特定菜单。

Joomla can be extended by using Components, Modules and Plugins, all of which can be downloaded from the Joomla Extensions Directory. Whereas WordPress uses the term “Plugin” to encompass all of its extensions, Joomla tries to narrow it down a bit by grouping extensions by the function that the extension performs. Unfortunately, I think this is one of the areas which leaves first-time users a bit bewildered.

可以使用组件,模块和插件来扩展Joomla,所有这些都可以从Joomla扩展目录中下载。 WordPress使用术语“插件”来涵盖其所有扩展名,而Joomla尝试通过按扩展名执行的功能对扩展名进行分组来缩小范围。 不幸的是,我认为这是令初学者有些困惑的领域之一。

结论 (Conclusion)

Right off the bat it is quite evident that WordPress is the more popular of the two systems. That said, WordPress is also a couple years older than Joomla.

马上就可以很明显地看出WordPress在这两个系统中更受欢迎。 也就是说,WordPress也比Joomla早了几年。

WordPress was created to enable creators of content to easily publish that content. It is currently used as the blogging platform of choice. My opinion is that it is great at exactly that — blogging/content curation — but perhaps not as flexible in other departments.

创建WordPress是为了使内容创建者能够轻松发布该内容。 目前,它已成为首选的博客平台。 我的观点是,它非常擅长于博客/内容策划,但在其他部门可能不够灵活。

Joomla is generally used for websites of a slightly more static nature, as well as for more advanced uses, such as the eBay intranet. This doesn’t mean that it cannot power blogs or content-oriented websites, but I tend to find that it’s not everybody’s first choice for this.

Joomla通常用于静态性质稍强的网站,以及更高级的用途,例如eBay内部网。 这并不意味着它不能为博客或面向内容的网站提供动力,但我倾向于发现这并不是每个人的首选。

WordPress’ content structure is slightly easier to grasp for newbies and first-time users of Joomla tend to have trouble grasping the terminology and application of certain functions.


In the next post we’ll discuss templating for Joomla and WordPress. In the meantime, which CMS do you prefer? Let me know in the comments!

在下一篇文章中,我们将讨论Joomla和WordPress的模板。 同时,您更喜欢哪个CMS? 在评论中让我知道!




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